How we manage waiting lists for our services

On this page you’ll find information about waiting standards and processes for referrals into our services where those services operate waiting lists. 

For inpatient services

Waiting standards and referrals for our inpatient services are defined in our Admission and Discharge Procedure. This procedure ensures service users are admitted to and remain in hospital for no longer than they need by effectively managing the inpatient stay, that people are cared for in the most appropriate environment and that care is planned to meet the needs and goals of the service user with their full involvement.

Our Procedure for the use of the Section 136 Suite as Designated Beds To Facilitate Detention (“Flex Beds”) sets out how our Section 136 Suite can be designated as formal beds in order to facilitate admission to hospital and formal detention to these beds when required. It ensures that any patient admitted / detained to the Section 136 area will receive an appropriate standard of care and treatment equivalent to those within a usual admission bed.

Name of Inpatient Service Link to web page
Adult Inpatient Wards Link to relevant web page.
Adult Section 136 Place of Safety Link to relevant web page.
Children and Young People Mental Health Inpatient Units Red Kite View in Leeds

Mill Lodge in York.

Learning Disability Inpatient Services at Woodland Square Link to relevant web page.
Low Secure Forensic Wards Wards at The Newsam Centre in Leeds

Wards at Clifton House in York

National Inpatient Centre for Psychological Medicine Link to relevant web page.
Older People’s Mental Health inpatient wards Link to relevant web page.
Perinatal Mother and Baby unit Link to relevant web page.
Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) Link to relevant web page.
Rehabilitation and Recovery inpatient units at Asket Croft and Asket House, Leeds. Link to relevant web page.
Yorkshire Centre for Eating Disorders Link to relevant web page.


All other services that operate a waiting list

For all our other services which operate a waiting list, we have developed a Waiting List Management Procedure.

This procedure sets out the arrangements for the management of waiting lists to ensure service users receive timely, equitable access to treatment in line with local and national access standards and the NHS Constitution.

The procedure also includes guidelines and procedures to ensure that waiting lists are managed effectively and that the offer of a high quality of care to service users is maintained.

Services that operate waiting lists do so in different ways. Therefore during 2024 each service will develop its own Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) by which it operates. Our commitment is that all our service’s SOPs will align to the principles set out in this procedure, and they will provide information about them on their web pages by 31 December 2024.

Below is a list of all the services covered by this procedure.


Name of Service Link to web page
Assertive Outreach team Link to relevant web page
Community Learning Disability Services Link to relevant web page
Community Mental Health Services for Working Age Adults in Leeds Link to relevant web page
Community Rehabilitation Enhanced Support Team (CREST) Link to relevant web page
CONNECT: Eating Disorders Community Service for West Yorkshire Link to relevant web page
Deaf Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service Link to relevant web page
Emerge Leeds: Complex Emotional Needs Service Link to relevant web page
Forensic Outreach Team (Leeds) Link to relevant web page
Forensic Outreach Team (York) Link to relevant web page
Forward Leeds (addiction service) Link to relevant web page
Gender Identity Service Link to relevant web page
Leeds Adult ADHD Service Link to relevant web page
Leeds Autism Diagnostic Service Link to relevant web page
Liaison Psychiatry Outpatient Service Link to relevant web page
Memory Assessment Service Link to relevant web page
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Link to relevant web page 
NHS Northern Gambling Service Link to relevant web page
Older Peoples’ Service Community Team Link to relevant web page
OP Courage: The veterans mental health and wellbeing service Link to relevant web page
Perinatal Community Service Link to relevant web page
Psychosexual Medicine Link to relevant web page
Recovery Centre at Asket Croft Link to relevant web page
Young People with Dementia Link to relevant web page



The only services that are excluded from these waiting list standards are our Crisis Services who provide immediate responses when needed.

This includes our:

Crisis Resolution Intensive Support Service

Intensive Home Treatment Team

Enhanced Care Home Team

The other exclusion is our Specialised Supported Living Service.

Page last updated: 10th Feb 2025 12:33pm