The Leeds Care Record
The Leeds Care Record will provide health and social care professionals directly involved in your care access to the most up-to-date information about you. It does this by sharing appropriate information from your medical and care records between health and social care services in Leeds.
At the moment, every health and social care organisation that you use has a different set of patient records for you. These records may duplicate information, or one record might hold information about your treatment, care and support that another one does not.
In Leeds, we have developed a virtual system called the Leeds Care Record. If you live in Leeds you will have a Leeds Care Record created for you. It will be held on a secure computer system where access is strictly controlled and will include some key health and social care information about you. The information is taken from other medical records you may have such as your GP record, hospital records or social care records.
Visit the Leeds Care Record website
Can I opt out of the Leeds Care Record?
Yes, you can choose not to have a Leeds Care Record. It is your choice but sharing your medical and social care information through a Leeds Care Record will make it easier to provide the best quality care and support for you. If you have any doubts about your records being shared you can talk to your GP in the first instance.
You can also contact the Information Governance Team at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust by calling 0113 20 64102 or writing to:
Access to Health Records
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
St. James University Hospital
Lincoln Wing/Chancellor Wing Link Corridor
Beckett Street
If you decide to opt out, you will receive a confirmation letter that you’ve opted out of Leeds Care Record and your GP practice will also be informed by letter.
This means that you will still be provided with excellent care, but when care professionals need to access information from your medical history they will do so via traditional methods, for example, phone and fax.
Page last updated: 12th Jun 2018 11:24am