Your feedback and experience

Your feedback and experience is invaluable in helping us to shape our services and if you or someone you care for have used our services we'd like to know what you think.

It could be that a member of staff went the extra mile, perhaps it was a small thing that made a big difference or maybe there was an aspect of your care you weren’t happy about. Whatever you would like to share, we would like to hear your views so that we can recognise areas of our care that are working well and improve on any areas that are not working so well for our service users.

There are a number of ways you can share your experiences. You can do this by contacting the team that provided your care directly, you can contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) or you can leave feedback using one of the ways featured below.

Complaints, comments, compliments or concerns

If you would like to speak to us about a concern or would like to make a comment or share a compliment for our service, take a look on our complaints, comments, compliments or concerns page to see the options available for you.

Care Opinion

Care Opinion is an independent website where you can share a review of the service you have received anonymously.

NHS Website

The NHS website contains information to help you manage your health and care online.  You can also use it to share a review of our Trust or one of our services.


Have your say - (formerly the Friends and Family Test)

‘Have Your Say’ is a new way for YOU to tell US what you think about the way we provide care in the Trust.

We try very hard to get it right – and it would be great to feedback to staff when things have gone well.

However, we know there are areas where we still need to improve and your suggestions can help us do this.

We’re making it as easy as possible for you to tell us what you think,  with questions that have been produced jointly by service users, carers, and staff.

There’s plenty of ways to give us your answers:

We promise to let YOU know what WE have done as a result of your feedback.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Inpatient and Community Survey

Every NHS service provider must run a service user survey each year. The survey is managed by an independent company which sends a questionnaire to a sample of representative service users and inpatients,  then works with the answers given to produce result  ‘scorecards’.  These scorecards  can then be compared with other Mental Health Trusts and Community Interest Companies which deliver mental health services.

Find the latest results for our community and inpatient service user surveys on our Quality and Performance page.

Community Mental Health Survey 2021

This survey is part of a national programme to improve quality of care and improve service user experience. The results of this survey help us to celebrate the areas in which our community teams are doing well and also to identify areas in which we can make positive changes.

This year we have agreed that Quality Health will conduct the survey on behalf of our Trust.  Until Tuesday 30 November, service users have the opportunity to advise their care coordinators or community team clinicians whether they wish to opt out of being included in this survey.

Service users can do this by contacting the Patient Experience Team via email at or by calling 0113 855 6840

Quality Health will conduct the survey itself between February and June 2022.

easy on the i accessible design service

The Accessible Information Standard is a law to make sure that people who have a disability, impairment or sensory loss can get information in different formats such as:

  • Easy read
  • Braille
  • Advocate
  • British Sign Language (BSL)
  • Large print
  • Email

For more information visit our Accessible Information Standard page

‘easy on the i’ is the information design service within our Trust’s learning disability services which specialises in producing easy to understand information for the people who use our service.

For more information visit our easy on the i page

Page last updated: 17th Aug 2022 10:49am