Our plan on a page for 2024
Learning Disability Services
Select each subheading below to highlight the different sections of our plan on a page. This will outline how our Learning Disability Service is planning to deliver care during 2024
1. Where are we now?
- Around 1500 referrals received during 2023.
- Providing a service to around 650 people a week, including those receiving care 24 hours a day.
- Around 130 people are on our waiting list for community services, with no one awaiting a first assessment.
- Employ around 400 staff in a range of clinical, social care, administrative, support and leadership roles.
- Rebound and Hydrotherapy services are now fully operational.
- Our main challenges include staff recruitment, Out of Hours provision, health respite waiting lists, contracting and commissioning.
2. Where do we want to be in 12-18 months' time?
- The assessment and referral process will be more efficient and effective, particularly in our community services.
- We will be better at managing our caseload, capacity and discharges.
- Evidencing that we are keeping people safe at home.
- The future of our Respite and Specialised Supported Living (SSL) Services will be established and clear.
3. How we are going to get there
- Review our Assessment and Referral Team (ART) to ensure they are effective and efficient.
- Review and update the goals we agreed upon with our partners who fund our services.
- Work with our partners to find a positive and sustainable future for Respite and SSL Services.
- Review our waiting list process and arrangements to ensure equity and fair access.
4. How we will improve service user and carer experience
- Continue to invest in our User Involvement Team, including recruiting more people with lived experience.
- Continue to hold excellent and person-centred engagement events, including street parties and culture events.
- Continue to improve collaboration with service users and their families.
5. How we will improve staff experience
- Continue to invest in our User Involvement Team, including recruiting more people with lived experience.
- Continue to hold excellent and person-centred engagement events, including street parties and culture events.
- Continue to improve collaboration with service users and their families.
6. How we will reduce health inequalities and improving equality, diversity and inclusion
- Celebrate the diversity of both our workforce and service users.
- Advocate for fair access to physical health services for individuals with learning disabilities, adjust our services accordingly, and support them in accessing health screenings and vaccinations.
- Champion the NHS Accessible Information Standard, making health information accessible to people with learning disabilities.
- Ensure people with learning disabilities are represented on our staff networks and recruitment panels.
Page last updated: 12th Jul 2024 11:32am