Board Sub-committees

Board Sub-committees have been established to discuss Board matters in further detail. Each Sub-committee is made up of members of the Board of Directors and subject matter experts attend to assist and inform the members in discussion. Each Sub-committee is chaired by a Non-executive Director.

More information on the Quality Committee, Audit Committee, Finance and Performance Committee, Workforce Committee, Mental Health Legislation Committee, Nominations Committee, and the Remuneration Committee can be found below. The minutes from recent Committee meetings can also be found below.

Diagram showing the board sub-committees hierarchy. It shows that the Board of Directors is the parent group of the quality committee; audit committee; Finance and Performance Committee; Workforce Committee; Mental Health Legislation Committee; Nominations Committee; and the remuneration committee.

The Chair of each sub-committee makes an assurance and escalation report, regarding the most recent meeting of the Committee, to the next available Board of Directors’ meeting. Each report seeks to assure the Board on the main items discussed by the Committee and, should it be necessary, to escalate to the Board any matters of concern or urgent business which the Committee is unable to conclude. The Board may then decide to give direction to the Committee as to how the matter should be taken forward or it may agree that the Board deals with the matter itself. Where the Board wants greater assurance on any matters that are within the remit of the Terms of Reference of the Sub-committee, the Board may ask for these to be looked at in greater detail by the Committee.


Quality Committee

The Quality Committee has responsibility for providing assurance to the Board of Directors on the effectiveness of the Trust’s quality and safety systems and processes, control and management of quality and safety related risk within the Trust, and the quality and safety of our services. The Quality Committee is chaired by Dr Frances Healey, Non-executive Director, and meets 11 times per year.

Minutes of the Quality Committee

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee has the responsibility of providing assurance to the Board of Directors that clinical, financial reporting, compliance, risk management, and internal control principles and standards are being appropriately applied and are effective, reliable and robust. It also provides assurance that an effective governance framework is in place for monitoring and continually improving the quality of health care provided to service users to enable the Trust’s strategic objectives to be achieved. The Audit Committee is chaired by Martin Wright, Non-executive Director, and meets five times per year.

Minutes of the Audit Committee

Finance and Performance Committee

The Finance and Performance Committee has the responsibility of providing assurance to the Board of Directors on financial governance and performance, strategic matters in relation to procurement, estates, information technology and information management, and key performance indicators. The Finance and Performance Committee is chaired by Cleveland Henry, Non-executive Director, and meets eight times per year.

Minutes of the Finance and Performance Committee

Workforce Committee

The Workforce Committee has the responsibility of providing assurance to the Board of Directors on all aspects of strategic workforce matters relating to the provision of care and services in support of getting the best clinical outcomes and experience for patients and staff. The Workforce Committee is chaired by Zoe Burns-Shore, Non-executive Director, and meets six times per year.

Minutes of the Workforce Committee

Mental Health Legislation Committee

The Mental Health Legislation Committee has the responsibility of providing assurance to the Board regarding compliance with all aspects of the Mental Health Act (1983). The Mental Health Legislation Committee is chaired by Kaneez Khan, Non-executive Director, and meets four times a year.

Minutes of the Mental Health Legislation Committee

Nominations Committee

The role of the Nominations Committee is to regularly review the structure, size, and composition of the Board of Directors and make recommendations for changes where appropriate; identify the skills, knowledge, and experience required for vacant director posts (for both executive and non-executive directors); and ensure there are arrangements in place for succession planning within the Board. The Nominations Committee is chaired by Merran McRae, Chair of the Trust, and meets as required.

Download the Nominations Committee Terms of Reference

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee has a key role in providing the Board with assurance that: executive directors are rewarded appropriately; appropriate contractual arrangements are in place; there is a process for assessing the performance of individual executive directors against their agreed objectives, and that plans are in place to address any areas of development. It has a key role regarding the recruitment and retention of appropriately qualified and experienced executive directors. It does this by agreeing appropriate reward packages. It exercises scrutiny of the remuneration of executive directors in regard to both salary and other areas of reward and has a core responsibility to ensure compliance with all legal obligations and regulations in respect of the employment and remuneration of executive directors.

The Remuneration Committee is chaired by Merran McRae, Chair of the Trust, and meets as required.

Download the Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference

Page last updated: 3rd Dec 2024 10:01am