T Levels

The next level qualification with Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. The T Levels qualification is designed to give students a faster route into healthcare and your starting point to a career in the NHS.

What are T Levels?

T Levels are a new qualification, an alternative to A levels, apprenticeships and other 16 to 19 courses. Equivalent in size to 3 A levels, a T Level focuses on vocational skills. It can help students into skilled employment, higher study, or apprenticeships. Each T Level includes an in-depth industry placement during the 2nd year that lasts at least 45 days. Students get valuable experience in the workplace, and as employers, we get early sight of the new talent in the industry.

T Levels at LYPFT

At Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, we have welcomed students studying the Health T Level on placement since September 2022. We give students the role of ‘Assistant Support Worker’ whilst on placement for two days a week within our mental health and learning disability services. All students on placement play a part in providing the direct care of s service user. You will use the knowledge you have gained in the classroom and the experience of working within a multi-disciplinary team.

So far, we have had students on placement within the Specialised Supported Living Service, and in 2023 we will welcome students into the Community Learning Disability Service. There are no financial costs for our services to host a T Level student on placement.

T Levels provide a much-needed new pathway to train and recruit qualified healthcare staff.


Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is taking a unique approach to T Levels through a city-wide collaboration. We are working with our health and care provider neighbours, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Leeds Community Healthcare Trust, Leeds City Council and some Primary Care providers in Leeds. Together we provide placements to T Level students at Leeds City College and Notre Dame 6th Form College.

Meet Jessica, our T Level student.

You can learn more about the collaborative approach to T Levels through the Leeds Health and Care Academy.>

Hear from our Chief Executive, Sara Munro, about T Levels at the Trust.

Page last updated: 5th Sep 2024 1:50pm