Introduction to WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan®) (Oct24) 💻

  • Friday 4th October
  • 10:30 - 11:45pm
  • Online via zoom



Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) was developed by a group of people who have experienced mental health challenges, in 1997. 

WRAP involves creating a plan that outlines what you need to do on a daily basis to maintain your mental health and well-being, as well as strategies to use when you’re not feeling well and is a tool to help people feel more in control of their own mental health, and recovery journey.

We deliver the Wellness Recovery Action Plan® courses and workshops in line with WRAP’s original values and ethics, our lead facilitators are trained and certified WRAP trainers.

In this stand-alone session, we will:

  • Introduce WRAP and explain some of it’s history.
  • Explore the different sections of WRAP and key recovery themes that support it.
  • Talk about how WRAP is delivered, and what to expect if you are thinking about attending a WRAP course with us.



‘WRAP courses enable you to create a snapshot of yourself at different points on the spectrum of well to unwell. You then formulate what you will need to do at these points using peer support & education from the course to build on & consolidate your existing strategies.’

-Uma, WRAP Co-facilitator


For more information on WRAP please visit:


Date Time Venue
Fri 04th October 10:30 am -11:45 am Online