Eating Disorders Service (Adult)

Here at CONNECT and Link-ED, we are keen to consistently improve our services to ensure we are offering the best support we can. We are using patient feedback to drive the improvement of our services across the Trust. See below for feedback from each of the services.


“You said we did” is used to ensure we can provide the proper care to all our service users. We use the feedback given to shape the patient experience and improve the quality of care. We collect this feedback monthly, sharing the results with staff and service users to ensure transparency.

Current CONNECT Satisfaction Levels

In Q3 – July 2023 to September 2023, 16 people gave us their feedback. Our teams have received 100% positive feedback, with most people feeling our service was very good or good.

Service Responses for Connect Eating Disorders Jul 23 - Sep 23 Pie Chart. 1, Very good 100%

Dr Monique Schelhase, Associate Specialist, CONNECT, LYPTF

“CONNECT continues to strive to deliver safe and effective patient care and therefore welcomes feedback from those accessing treatment within the service. Thank you to all who have provided warm words of encouragement, and thanks to the service and staff in addition to highlighting concerns and providing helpful suggestions for ongoing improvements. We intend to provide quarterly information on our web pages, so do continue to check this space for the updated data. We look forward to hearing from you, so please do keep the feedback coming.”

Have Your Say Feedback Results

The table information pictured below can be downloaded here: Have Your Say. Image of table. Click to download Excel version of tableImage of table. Click to download Excel version of table

Image of table. Click to download Excel version of table
2021 – 2022
The table information pictured below can be downloaded here: Have Your Say. 

Image of table. Click to download Excel version of table

Image of table. Click to download Excel version of table

As we are still a new and developing service, we are in the process of creating methods to gather feedback. Here are some of the comments we have received following training and groups which we have facilitated:

Session Feedback

“The support that I have been provided by this service has been no less than phenomenal. Before I began sessions, I always believed that I was hopeless and could never recover or experience happiness again. I feel not only heard but understood by my support workers who are the most wonderful people I have ever met. They are compassionate, empathetic and full of fantastic advice and knowledge! I feel that not only I have learned a lot from them but they have learned from me, also. The one-to-one sessions and the group sessions are each wonderful in their own unique way. It has been incredibly helpful to meet other people who have experienced the same struggles as me on their journey. Thanks to the group sessions, I do not feel so alone or ashamed. Overall, my experience with this service has not just been ‘positive, ‘it is so much more than that. It has realistically saved my life. I have been transformed from a hollow shell into a person whose world is full of hope and joy. I never thought that I would be able to see the world in so much colour ever again!”

“I’ve been receiving support from the Link ED service since May 2023. Having a combination of peer led support from CJ and sessions with Georgia, one of their specialist practitioners, has allowed me to explore the reasons behind my eating disorder/disordered eating habits and work on improving my relationship with food to start stabilising and improving my physical and mental health. Without this support I would have continued in a downwards spiral, not realising that there are other people out there who have similar life experiences to mine and have managed to recover and no longer use food as a way to cope. I still have a way to go, but I’m beginning to see glimmers of hope and a chance of recovery. Those are what I hold on to during the more challenging days.”

Brief Intervention Training Feedback

We developed this to help increase knowledge and awareness of Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating within the teams we work closely alongside. In turn, this ensures individuals receive the support and care they need in a more timely manner, feeling more understood and validated in the process.

“The training has been invaluable – I can’t thank you and your team enough for the time and trouble you’ve gone to, to help us with our understanding. I know the team have really appreciated and benefitted from the training, and I anticipate that we’ll feel a lot more confident in our work going forwards.”

“To be more open minded and to ask questions to dig deeper to what they have this issues with eating, to get as much information to help them”

“Be able to provide information to service users about health risks, and be more aware of some of the signs to look for”

“More informed regarding ED recovery and how this looks, able to communicate this with clients”

Body Image Awareness Group Feedback

“Interesting and helpful group that I’ve very much enjoyed being a part of”

(Found most useful) “Discussing things with other people experiencing similar difficulties. Chatting back and forth really helped me to develop new ideas and beliefs.”

(Found most useful) “Insight to others experiences Examples given Tips on how to overcome Worksheets as reflection task Resources such as podcasts and books Thank you for all your hard work and help.”

Open Access Pathway

The Open Access Pathway is a collection of supports aimed to support you through education, connection and resources. To learn more, visit the home page and read the Open Access Pathway tab.

We always welcome feedback to learn what was helpful and what you would like to see more of in the future. This includes content for our Instagram or topics for our support groups. If you have used our Open Access supports, please feel free to follow the survey links below to share your feedback.

Below, you will find some of the comments we have received from people who have used the Open Access Pathway

@connectlypft Instagram

‘It looks really professional and tidy with the new branding’

‘The cook-a-longs are really helpful!’

‘It is really easy to use and follow with the post titles’

The Hub: Support Group

We would love your feedback if you have attended The Hub
Fill out our survey here

Please tell us what has been most helpful about The Hub this evening?

‘I felt able to share about a bad eating disorder behaviour that I have been doing for over a year, that was quite harmful and I hadn’t been able to talk about it to people, not properly. I had told my GP and psychiatrist and got a blood test but this was the first time that I was able to share properly and actually address the problem and try to resolve it. It is brilliant that I have been able to share what I have been doing because I now feel able to actually stop doing this behaviour because I feel supported and also because I feel accountable to the group now, so I really will stop. This help has been invaluable to me. The support from the Hub is the only support I get but it is essential to my recovery and I could not manage without it.’

‘Having the space to open up and vent without judgement’

‘The staff were brilliant. I got a bit upset near the end and they chatted to me for a few minutes afterwards. It was a really good meeting.’

‘I was in a bit of a joke today and have been for some weeks . Speaking to people who just ( get it ) has been such a fantastic experience today . 100% helpful’

‘The hub is amazing. I feel supported and understood.’

‘Just an open space to be honest and share our thoughts and feelings.’

Please tell us what we could have improved about The Hub this evening

‘Nothing. The facilitators are absolutely lovely. Staff 1 and Staff 2 are caring and knowledgeable and it is a real pleasure to see them.’ (Staff names replaced for confidentiality)

‘I don’t think anything could have improved it.’

Is there any other feedback you would like to give us about The Hub?

‘This felt like such a safe space and I felt I could open up. Very caring and understanding people’

‘It’s brilliant and I don’t know what I could do without it.’

‘It is fantastic.’

Carers' Group: Support group

We would love your feedback if you have attended Carers’ Group
Fill out our survey here


Page last updated: 9th Jul 2024 10:22am

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