Our plan on a page for 2024
Forensic Services
Select each subheading below to highlight the different sections of our plan on a page. This will outline how our Forensic Services is planning to deliver care during 2024.
1. Where are we now?
- Following recovery from the pandemic, the service has seen significant improvement in its recruitment and retention.
- Developing a positive, listening and open culture after an extensive colleague listening exercise.
- Placing service users and carers at our heart, focusing on colleague wellbeing, strong leadership and showcasing what we’re proud of.
- Working closely with regional partners within our provider collaboratives to improve the offer and the quality of care we provide.
2. Where do we want to be in 12-18 months' time?
- Achieving stability, with clear governance structures, transparent and effective communication.
- Reducing barriers to care, treatment and recovery, leading to timely and effective care.
- Enhancing our secure inpatient environments, collaborating closely with service users and carers.
- Reviewing our spaces and how we do things on the ward, making sure things run smoothly.
- Building a strong and lasting medical workforce, supported by creating and hiring for new clinical roles.
3. How we are going to get there
- Work closely with the Organisational Development team to support colleagues to be clear about their roles, create innovative ways to hear from and connect them.
- Develop and expand our community care offer, implement outcome measures, and improve service users’ physical health.
- We’ll continue recruiting for permanent positions whilst learning from and improving our new roles, like the Multi-Professional Approved Clinician in York’s Forensic Inpatient Service, with potential expansion to cover Leeds Forensic Services.
4. How we will improve service user and carer experience
• We will place service user councils central to the governance of our services.
• We will continue to implement ‘You said, we did’ initiatives.
• All our recruitment panels will include service users and/or carers from within the service.
• Implement approaches to hear from, engage with and learn from feedback from carers.
5. How we will improve staff experience
• Clarify roles within teams.
• Make sure everyone’s opinions are valued and heard.
• Ensure all colleagues receive Personal Development Reviews that include chances for growth.
• The space for teams to reflect and learn together, better supervision from managers and clinicians, coaching, peer support and team formulation.
6. How we will reduce health inequalities and improving equality, diversity and inclusion
• Focus on stopping all forms of discrimination, particularly as a result of people’s ethnicity.
• Take meaningful steps to increase workforce diversity in leadership and management positions.
• Review and improve our physical health offer, open a new gym in the Leeds Inpatient Forensic Service, and introduce a dental pilot in the York Inpatient Services.
Page last updated: 12th Jul 2024 12:18pm