Our plan on a page for 2024

Community and Wellbeing Services

Select each subheading below to highlight the different sections of our plan on a page. This will outline how our Community and Wellbeing Service is planning to deliver care during 2024.

1. Where are we now?
  • WAA CMHT – Continues to recover from staffing and recruitment challenges, with a focus on the Community Transformation Programme.
  • ECT – We have increased our ability to deliver the service by completing recovery training for nurses.
  • Physical Health Monitoring Team – We have successfully completed phase 1 and 2 of our city-wide long-lasting injection (depot) service.
  • Healthy living service – We are delivering high quality advice, guidance and interventions to those in our care.
  • Rough sleepers service – We are offering consultation and support to colleagues across the city.
2. Where do we want to be in 12-18 months' time?
  • WAA CMHTs – delivering a transformed service for people which best meets their needs in their local areas.
  • ECT – Expand our accredited service to provide better treatment options for our patients.
  • Physical Health Monitoring Team – Become a seven-day service with a centralised function for patients.
  • Healthy living service – Increase opportunities to support service users make positive lifestyle changes.
  • Rough sleepers service – Be fully operational; integrate the Single Homeless Accommodation Project: dedicated support for individuals to transition into their own homes.
3. How we are going to get there
  • WAA CMHT – Learn from the rollout of Community Transformation and continue to improve alongside our partners.
  • Healthy living service – Make sure patients leaving our wards have smoother transitions.
  • ECT – Complete the annual Electroconvulsive Therapy Accreditation Service accreditation; plan to introduce Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation; participate in a drug trial.
  • Physical Health Monitoring – House our service to help adjust medication doses to best suit our patients’ needs; expand our offer across the Trust.
  • Rough sleepers service – Finalise our clinical model, working with Leeds City Council on the Single Homeless Accommodation Project.
4. How we will improve service user and carer experience
  • Capture and monitor progress for service users and carers and engage with our service user network and involvement and engagement advisory groups, in particularly around Community Transformation, ECT accreditation and service changes.
  • Develop an induction booklet for the Healthy living service.
5. How we will improve staff experience
  • WAA CMHT – Focus on caseload and demand management and implement staff survey feedback.
  • ECT and Physical Health Monitoring – Hold two away days to focus on team development and service improvement. Prioritise staff wellbeing.
  • Rough sleepers service – Develop our staff engagement as we continue to grow as a new service.
6. How we will reduce health inequalities and improving equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Better understand the diversity across our service user population.
  • Evaluate opportunities to implement new services to support service users from all backgrounds.
  • Attract diverse talent from a wide range of communities to join our service from Leeds and beyond.
  • Ensure colleagues understand and empathise with those facing multiple disadvantages, achieved through training and close partnerships with the third sector.

Page last updated: 12th Jul 2024 11:46am