Quantitative MRI in the NHS – Memory Clinics / QMIN-MC
Quantitative MRI of Brain Structure and Function in NHS Memory Clinics
What is the study about?
This study is collecting MRI data and clinical assessment data from service users who are attending Memory Clinic and having an MRI scan as part of their normal care. The study aims to design and evaluate quantitative methods of MRI analysis to assist in the diagnosis of Dementia.
Who can take part?
People attending memory clinics and being referred for MRI scans as part of their normal care pathway
What is involved?
If the potential participant provides informed consent, they will undergo the usual NHS MRI scanning protocol. The MRI data will be securely transferred to the Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre for analysis. In addition to MRI data, supplementary clinical data will be collected for the development of quantitative neuroimaging tools. Scores from cognitive tests (specifically the Addenbrookes Cognitive Examination) and informant questionnaire (Cambridge Behavioural Inventory) will also be recorded.
How can people get involved?
Clinicians can refer eligible service users by contacting the Local PI- Dr Zumer Jawaid, or the Clinical Studies Officer- Beccy Smith at rebecca.smith179@nhs.net