Children and Young Peoples' Mental Health Service (CYPMHS) inpatient unit for West Yorkshire

We are always keen to hear what you think. Are we doing well? Where could we do better?

We understand that a hospital admission can be a very difficult time for young people and their families, and we are very grateful for your patience and understanding. But if we don’t know about a worry or an issue, we can’t do anything to help resolve it.

So in the first instance, please provide feedback to Red Kite View staff if you can.

If that isn’t appropriate, you can contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Support service in the first instance.

If you wish to make a formal complaint you can find out how on this page.

A member of staff is sat down behind reception at Red Kite ViewWe take all feedback we receive very seriously.

This might be sharing a positive experience, telling us your ideas on how to improve our services, or sharing details of where you’ve not been happy with something.

Anyone is entitled to give feedback or make a complaint, including on behalf of someone else.

We want you to feel confident that your feedback will be dealt with fairly and in a timely manner.

Your rights during your stay with us

Some young people will be formally detained under the Mental Health Act and will be informed of their rights in accordance with this. Other young people are admitted informally (meaning they are not detained), and will also be informed of their rights.

You have the right to:

  • Be respected regardless of race, religion or gender.
  • Be consulted and asked for informed consent on every aspect of your care.
  • Say no, except where this would compromise others’ safety or your own.
  • Be involved in the planning and implementation of your treatment.
  • Personal privacy and dignity which will only be limited if safety or security is compromised.
  • Maintain contact with your family and friends, provided official constraints are not in place (e.g. court orders)

Anything you tell members of staff will be kept within the staff team.

As a team we share information with each other to help us help you.  We would not let information go any further unless we were worried that you or someone else was at risk of harm.  If we were going to discuss anything you had told us with others, we would talk to you about this first.

Equality and diversity

We actively support equal opportunities. Issues of race, colour, ethnic or national origin, disability, sex, marital status, sexual orientation or age will not affect your care and treatment. Neither does it affect who we employ, so you may be cared for by a wide range of staff.

Making a complaint

If you are not happy with any aspect of your care, please let us know so that we can do what we can to make this better.  You or your family can request to speak to the team manager at any time during your stay.

We have an independent advocacy service Advonet, who will support you and your family, their contact details are:

Tel: 0113 244 0606

Text: 07397 939 820

Information on how to offer feedback can be made via our Patient Advice and Liaison Services (PALS).  This is a confidential service offering advice and information to service users.

Tel : 0800 052 5790

You can contact us Monday to Friday from 9am to 12pm midday, and 2pm to 4pm.  A 24 hour answerphone system operates at busy times and out-of-hours. All messages will be responded to within 24 hours or by the next working day.


Page last updated: 28th Aug 2024 10:30am

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