Apprentice Case Studies - Laraib Kazmi

Laraib works in our Specialised Supported Living Service, she undertook a Adult Social Care Level 2 apprenticeship.

Why did you choose your apprenticeship?

I wanted to do something I enjoyed and further my knowledge.

Was there any decision between the apprenticeship route and any other route?

I pretty much knew from when I was finishing my A levels that an apprenticeship was what I wanted to do. I felt drained from Sixth Form and knew I didn’t want to go to university and sit through hours of lectures.

What has been your proudest achievement on your apprenticeship to date?

I have formed relationships with the tenants, which are growing stronger each day.

How do you see your apprenticeship helping you in your career progression?

I believe the apprenticeship will help my career progression as I would like to stay in the service for many more years to come.

What would your advice be to anyone thinking about doing an apprenticeship?

Be confident in what you think, work in everyone’s best interest and don’t hesitate to ask for help.