Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Service

We operate two separate treatment pathways, one offering medication and one offering non-pharmacological interventions.

The medication pathway is staffed by a combination of psychiatrists and mental health nurses, and the non-pharmacological pathway is staffed by occupational therapists.


Many people with ADHD find medication helpful. Treatment usually consists of a tablet taken once daily.

Finding the right dose for you can take several appointments and requires supervision.

Prior to starting medication, you will be asked a series of questions about your physical and mental health to ensure that medication is safe for you. We require your blood pressure and pulse to be checked before each dose change.

Once your medication is at a stable dose, we will ask your GP to continue prescribing. This is done according to a ‘shared care agreement’. Although your GP will prescribe your medication and conduct physical health monitoring you will remain a patient with the service and can contact us should you have any ADHD related concerns.

We conduct a review of your need for treatment once a year. This is done via a form that we send out by post. If necessary, we may need to see you for a formal appointment. It is important that you engage with this process to ensure that your GP can continue prescribing your medication.


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