Our commitments
Growing for the future road map
Select each commitment below to highlight our annual objectives. This is how we aim to deliver our People Plan ambition of growing for the future.

Deliver an effective workforce plan which focuses on recruitment and retention and future supply pathways and which incorporates Trust Learning Needs Analysis (LNA).
Governance Group
People Resourcing and Retention, the People Employment Group and the People Talent and Organisational Development (OD) Group.- Develop strategic service level workforce plans for the nine clinical service lines and all corporate services.
- Develop a Trustwide strategic workforce plan.
- Establish a robust and interactive career pathway framework which highlights diverse developmental opportunities.
- Establish a LNA process/plan with high-level service line learning needs to inform the Future Year’s (FY’s) funding/CPD requirements.
- Refresh of the Trustwide exit interview process to ensure it is fit for purpose and accessible.
- Conduct quarterly reviews of strategic service level workforce plans.
- Implement Trustwide strategic workforce plan actions.
- Develop a robust Trust apprenticeship approach with governance structure to support development pathways and diversify opportunities linked with workforce plans and talent development.
- Integrate the LNA process with the workforce planning process to ensure a robust LNA with a supporting expenditure plan to inform the FY’s funding/CPD requirements.
- Use exit interview/turnover data to inform retention strategies.
- Integration of the workforce planning process within the operational and financial planning cycle. This must link to the Collective Leadership agenda.
- Implement retention strategy.
- Implement apprenticeship strategy and appropriate initiatives as approved, i.e. one apprentice Healthcare Support Worker on every ward, centralised nursing and occupational therapy funding etc.
- Review of the LNA process and embed learning and continuous improvement to support the impact on staff development.

Develop and deliver the best experience for those who join the Trust.
Governance Group
People Resourcing and Retention Group- Review the current induction and onboarding arrangements and recommend changes.
- Review of all recruitment processes to ensure they are fit for purpose, that they deliver improvement that maximise service level agreements (SLAs) whilst ensuring Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) priorities are incorporated.
- Develop a proposal for the use of internships/work experience as an entry-level pathway to join the Trust.
- Implement a wellbeing Z-card so all colleagues have readily available information on how to access support.
- Ongoing requirement for all staff to undertake wellbeing assessments as part of the embedded process within appraisals.
- Provide new arrangements and guidance for onboarding for recruiting managers and others.
- Continuous review and improvement of recruitment processes.
- Roll out of internships/work experience.
- Monitor the effectiveness of the Z-card resource and employee access to the range of wellbeing services available and continuous improvement.
- Exploration of the improvement of data capture for wellbeing assessments as part of the new iLearn implementation to inform team, service and Trust data analysis via local reporting and culture dashboard.
- Scope flexible working opportunities for the Trust and promote best practice / good news stories in relation to where this has been operationalised successfully.
- Develop and pilot a values based recruitment approach for the Trust.
- Continuous improvement, growth and embedding of work experience.
- Ongoing review/monitoring/ update where appropriate.
- Intelligent use of data to inform the wellbeing support offer/conversations to inform positive change and benchmark against other wellbeing data to identify areas for improvement. Continuous improvement and embedding of wellbeing assessments as part of the PDR process and conversations.

Develop and implement an innovative approach to talent development and which aligns to the Trust Workforce Plan.
Governance Group
People Talent and OD Group- Recruitment of a talent lead as part of the People and OD organisation restructure.
- Develop an approach and framework for talent management across the Trust aligned and integrated to the operational and workforce planning cycle as well as funding allocations and identified Learning Needs Analysis (LNA) needs.
- Initial scoping of talent management and pilot the roll-out amongst hotspot areas.
- Complete a map of the employee journey from initial recruitment through to employment to highlight development opportunities and pathways to support strategic resourcing gaps and the development of our colleagues.
- Embed the new Talent approach within the workforce planning and LNA cycle. The Talent approach is integral to the PDR policy. Explore the opportunity to combine the PDR policy with the Performance policy.
- Establish a volunteer to career working group to identify pathways for volunteers in the Trust.
- Complete a map of the employee journey from initial recruitment through employment, to highlight development opportunities and pathways to support strategic resourcing gaps and the development of our colleagues.

Work with partner organisations to deliver joint leadership and career development programmes.
Governance Group
People Talent and OD Group- Continue to agree a suite of leadership offers with our Mental Health (MH) Collaborative (including Moving Forward/Moving Forward Plus/ Mary Seacole/Shadow Board/ Coaching/LSC).
- Continued development and the roll-out and review of collaborative leadership programmes across the MH Collaborative/integrated care system (ICS) e.g. Mary Seacole programme, Shadow Board, Moving Forward, 1:2:1 coaching.
- Agree a delivery plan for the suite of leadership offers and implement and evaluate the impact.
- Identify further areas for collaboration informing the design of new joint career development programmes and opportunities with partners.
- Agree delivery plan for suite of leadership offers and implement and evaluate impact.

Promote the One Leeds workforce model, removing barriers to cross-organisational and cross-functional working to enable new models of service delivery.
Governance Group
People Talent and OD Group- Complete the tender exercise for the establishment of a collaborative bank under the integrated care system (ICS).
- Undertake an options appraisal which will be part of the rollout of the NHS Skills Passport across the ICS.
- Partner with Leeds Health and Care Academy to contribute to the development of their portfolio of service delivery to benefit Leeds One Workforce (LOW) priorities and LYPFT’s workforce planning/service delivery.
- Roll-out of the collaborative bank (subject to ICS approval).
- Roll-out of NHS Skills Passport and ongoing evaluation and improvement.
- Continue to partner and engage with Leeds Health Care Academy (LHCA) to ensure that LYPFT colleagues are fully engaged and involved with the academies programme delivery and city-wide workforce plans.

Work with partner organisations to collaborate on introducing and embedding new roles and the sharing of resources where this benefits the system.
Governance Group
- Continue to enhance the strategic resourcing system-wide working across the ICS and in particular introduce a New Roles Governance Group.
- Completion of the International Nurse Recruitment (INR) project as part of the MH Collaborative.
- Work with Health Education England (HEE), the system workforce lead and other key stakeholders to pilot new roles in the Trust linked to LYPFT priorities and system-wide workforce plans.
- To deliver the INR project delivery plan for 2022. LYPFT is to continue scoping an independent bid and to continue to work collaboratively with partners to continue to benefit from good practice and effective sharing of learning.
- Scaleup new role opportunities within the Trust to address core workforce challenges as identified through workforce plans. In turn, this will inform HEIs and HEEs cohorts and funding requests.
- Pilot Development Roles to support services with recruitment and retention.