MoreRESPECT: A Randomised controlled trial of a sexual health promotion intervention for people with severe mental illness delivered in community mental health settings
What is the study about?
A randomised controlled trial of a sexual health promotion intervention for people with severe mental illness delivered in community mental health settings
Who can take part?
- Adults aged ≥16 years
- Diagnosed with a Severe mental illness, including severe depression, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder or psychosis
- In receipt of care from any form of adult community mental health service
- Willing and able to give informed consent
What is involved?
- Provides an informed consent to participate
- Participants will be randomly allocated to be in either intervention group, where they will receive three sessions of 1:1, 60-minutes sexual health information sessions plus their usual care. The intervention can be delivered either face to face or online via videoconferencing.
- Or they can be allocated to a control group, where they will receive the usual care (includes local primary care and/or specialist sexual health services as part of usual sexual health care (including contraception) as well as referral/sign-posting through mental health services
- Everyone taking part in the study will be asked to complete questionnaires to collect data on information related to sexual health. Data will be collected at the beginning of the study and then 3, 6, 9 and 12 months later (either face-to-face meeting or a video call meeting).
£10 shopping voucher will be given to participants as a thank you on completion of each questionnaire. - The study team would like to interview a few people who agree to take part in the study (optional). Everyone taking part in the study would be asked if they would like to be interviewed, however the interview places are limited. Interview will last around 40mins to 1hr (via telephone or video call).
How can people get involved?
Please contact or Or visit the study website