The Pharmacy team work alongside medical, nursing and other clinical staff to ensure that medicines are used safely and appropriately. We also ensure medicines are dispensed in a timely and efficient manner, and that service users have the information they would like about their medicines.
We provide dispensing and clinical services to inpatient units, community teams and outpatient services.
What do we do?
Support the safe and effective use of medicines
We liaise with primary care when patients are admitted and discharged to ensure seamless transfer of medicines-related issues between care providers. We also visit wards and units regularly to check that medications prescribed to patients are effective, appropriate and that there are no interactions between these medications or contraindications to the patient taking them.
The team ensures that medicines are reviewed and monitored in accordance with good practice, and they advise on treatment options for patients as well as reviewing treatment histories for patients unresponsive to current treatment.
We advise on Trust and the Leeds-wide medicines formulary and audit the use of medicines against good practice standards to support the continual improvement of practice.
We provide information and advice about medicines
Our pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are available to discuss medicines and provide information to patients and carers either on a ward, at the pharmacy, or by telephone or email.
We provide training and information on medicines to medical, nursing and other staff, and we run information sessions for our patients and their carers.
If you wish to talk to a pharmacist about your medication please telephone 0113 85 55534 for our Leeds pharmacy.
Lines are open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
You can also visit our medicines management page for information on common medications and conditions.
Medicines supply
We dispense medication for Trust patients in inpatient, outpatient, and community settings and we provide stock medicines for our wards and other clinical units.
The pharmacy team also provides advise on the storage of medicines and the most appropriate way to supply a medicine, for example if someone is struggling to swallow a tablet or forgetting to take their doses.
We are compliant with NICE approved medicine treatments, visit the NICE website for details of approved treatments
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Formulary is devised in accordance with relevant National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and Maudsley Prescribing guidelines. Formulary in Leeds is developed on a cooperative basis between the principle NHS bodies in the city. Details can be found on the Leeds Formulary website.
COVID-19: Useful Information
The following guides and factsheets have been produced to provide support and information on taking certain medications should you develop symptoms of Coronavirus:
- Lithium and COVID
- Clozapine and COVID
- Information on preventing thromboembolism (blood clots) on wards
- Information on managing diabetic patients with COVID-19
For any other queries please contact the pharmacy team directly on 0113 85 55534 (open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday) or email:
Our team
Pharmacists advise on the clinical use of medicines and can provide detailed information about medicines for patients, carers and health professionals.
Pharmacy Technicians run the medicines supply service and provide basic advice to patients, carers and staff about medicines such as how to take the medicine,the usual dose and common side effects.
S/ATOs (Senior Assistant Technical Officers) dispense and assemble medicines, top-up ward/ unit stock medication and support the safe and efficient running of the dispensary.
Get in touch
If you are an inpatient you will be able to speak with your ward pharmacist or technician during one of the regular visits made to the ward. Alternatively you can call or visit The Mount Pharmacy, Leeds – Tel: 0113 85 55534 (open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday)
You can also email us at: if you would like more information about your medicines.
Page last updated: 8th Oct 2020 1:19pm