WREN Stories: Reaching out and connecting for National Inclusion Week

Caroline Bamford, Head of Diversity and Inclusion, reflects on what inclusion means to her and how we can all participate in National Inclusion Week

Next week is National Inclusion Week with the focus on reaching out and connecting.

My view of inclusion is that it is about the systems of our organisation and the way it operates. It’s about leadership which role models inclusive behaviours and development of a culture that enables and empowers everyone by making room for the needs of each of us. Essentially to achieve this, focus is needed to recognise and take action where there are both common and individual issues that need to be challenged and resolved.

Therefore in advance of National Inclusion Week I have been reflecting over this pandemic period about all the amazing people throughout the Trust who are working together to drive action and make change happen to improve the experience of everyone in these uncertain and ever changing times.

In particular, the pandemic has highlighted the inequalities experienced by our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) colleagues and also our disabled colleagues and service users. The power of connecting has really been highlighted by the many people who have openly shared their experiences of racism and discrimination first-hand and by their actions to influence positive change.

I personally have learned so much through other people sharing and connecting, particularly over the last seven months. At times I have found it challenging and conversations have made me review my thinking about my own culture and identity and how these influence my behaviours and perceptions. I may have “inclusion” in my job title but I am constantly learning from others it doesn’t mean I always get it right!

Therefore I believe that through encouraging each other to reach out, connect and taking time to have a conversation and learn from each other is a great way to celebrate National Inclusion Week.

Building an inclusive culture is about everyone, and we all have a part to play.