LYPFT Governor Case Studies - Becky Oxley

Becky is a Service User Governor at the Trust, learn more about the role.

Hey, I’m Becky! I’m a Service User Governor and have been on the Council of Governors since November 2023. I’m a massive supporter of Leeds Rhinos and Manchester City and enjoy reading in my spare time. I also love volunteering, and I am a Fundraising Coordinator for the Leeds and District MS Society, as well as helping out at St James Hospital as a Leeds Way Welcome Volunteer. 


I wanted to become a governor because I’ve lived with my own mental health struggles since I was 16. I have seen how services are run and how service users can sometimes feel like they don’t have a voice and feel lost in the system. I’ve seen firsthand the positives and negatives, and in this time of transformation, I wanted to be at the root of the input and challenge and have a voice and influence from a service user perspective. I am very well versed in the trauma informed way of working and my vision as a governor is to see LYPFT fully working in this way.


The role of a governor is to hold the Non-executive Directors to account on the way the Board of Directors performs. We are here to represent the public and share information with our members. We have 5 meetings a year, which are a mix of in person meetings and virtual meetings. The meetings are a chance for us all get together, discuss matters and have our say on the things going on within LYPFT. 


I enjoy being a governor as I love being the voice for those who don’t feel able to speak up. I am passionate about mental health and enjoy the fact that I’m heard in my governor role. I feel respected and feel like I can be a positive influence for change and see things from a ground level as a service user. I share my experiences, good or bad, and make suggestions to influence and improve how services are delivered.


There are many opportunities for additional involvement as a governor, over and above the basic time commitment of 6 meetings. There are chances to visit services to see how they run and what they involve. There are training opportunities and the chance to observe board sub-committee meetings as well as so much more. 


I absolutely love my role as Service User Governor, and I would recommend anyone who has clicked with anything I’ve said above to apply. The chance to be a part of change and have a voice is powerful. I’ve also felt a lift in my own mental health because I feel like I have a purpose and a meaning in life. 


I would say to anyone thinking of applying to go for it and if you have any questions to ask them. There are no ‘stupid questions’ and we would love to help you overcome any challenges you may have in becoming a governor. We are a great bunch of people from all background and walks of life. If you have a passion for change and helping others, then this may well be the perfect role for you. I am here if anyone wants to ask me anything directly and my email is 


I hope to see some of you very soon at a Council of Governors meeting!