Celebrating Co-Production and Partnership Work: Inspiring Stories and Developments from the Trust

"It was an inspiring, stimulating, worthwhile, and truly uplifting afternoon" is some feedback we received after our Annual General Meeting and Improving Health and Lives Together, a celebration of our partnership work event yesterday.

We had exciting presentations from our service user groups and trust teams, where we shared what makes us an outstanding and inclusive Trust. There was also an opportunity for those attending to field questions.

The day offered the chance to learn about our services’ vital work, including the work with service users supporting co-production. |It featured our AGM with updates from across the Trust from our Chair, Merran McRae, Chief Executive Sara Munro, lead Governor Les France and Chief Financial Officer Dawn Hanwell. In the afternoon, we welcome co-hosts Shaun Webster MBE, the Involvement Coordinator from our Learning Disability Services’ Involvement Team, and Oliver Tipper, the Head of Communications at Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. The Partnership Celebration Event 2024 featured presentations from our service user groups and trust teams.

A collage of photos, featuring people on stage at our AGM

We heard from:

  • Working Together with Lived Experience Partners to co-design and co-deliver staff training: Health Care Support Worker Induction from the Practice Development Team.
  • Creative Group Projects: Older People Inpatient Services, Artlink West Yorkshire, is a project reflecting the theme ‘We all make a difference.’
  • The Red Kite Questionnaire Understanding Experiences of Services Together.
  • Developing a Research Active Community, LYPFT Research and Development.
  • Gender Outreach Workers, Supporting trans, non-binary and gender diverse people on the Leeds GIS waiting list, care pathway and people thinking about referral (18+).​
  • Leeds Perinatal Service, Peer Support Experience ​- Leeds Dads.
  • Creative Writing at the Becklin Centre, Leeds Beckett University; Arts and Minds; and the Becklin Centre’s staff and service users.

Dr Sara Munro, Chief Executive:

“The incredible work being done by people within our organization with service users, partners, and other agencies is genuinely remarkable. I am truly grateful for everyone’s time and the courage of individuals who have shared their personal experiences. Sitting there, I couldn’t help but feel we are fully dedicated to this cause.

I have dedicated my entire career to working in the NHS. People’s perceptions of the NHS, mental health, learning disability, and neurodiverse services barely scratch the surface of the incredible creativity that was showcased this afternoon. The power of creativity manifests in countless ways, as exemplified by the creative writing we witnessed today.

So, a huge thank you. The bar gets higher every year. I’m excited to see what next year brings as we start planning for 2025.”

Rounding up the day

Usman Khan, an expert with experience in services and Co-chair of the services network spoke about the day.

“I found it really nice, inspiring, and pleasant to see so many positive stories and developments going on in the Trust.”

What actions are you going to take after today?

“I will continue to champion equity and equality, continue building the service user network, and hopefully try to bring more male and male-identifying people into co-production and involvement across the Trust.

Les France, Lead Governor, talked about what he learned. 

“What I’ve learned about our perinatal service and its amazing partner support, led by Errol Murray, has blown me away. What they do is amazing, and showcasing it is why we need days like this.”

I’ve been inspired to

“Ask many people we’ve heard from today to present to our governors. I’m sure they’d welcome the opportunity to hear about this inspirational work being done with our service users.”

Page last updated: 1st Aug 2024 5:27pm