Protecting myself, my family and colleagues

Sue Rodriguez tells us why she has her jabs every year

Sue Rodriguez is our Fleet Services Manager. She’s had her Flu vaccine and Covid-19 booster this year and here she tells you why.

“Although I mainly work from home, I occasionally have to go into the office at St Marys and Don Valley House, which brings me into contact with colleagues who could be frontline workers.

That’s one of the reasons I had both of my vaccinations this year.

I get them every year as I want to protect myself, my family and colleagues. Some of my immediate family members are extremely vulnerable. Having gone through the whole covid experience and watching them having to shield, it really drilled home how fragile life can be, so my view is, take any precaution you can.”

If you want to protect yourself and others in the same way that Sue does, then you can book your vaccinations to be done either at work or in your local community. Frontline staff can get vaccinations for both while at work, non-frontline staff can also book to have their Flu jabs during shift time.

Clinics are running across Trust sites, but they are very busy, so please use the VaccinationTrack system to make sure you can book a slot. If you are unsure, please check-in with the Infection Control Team to make sure you are not disappointed when looking for a drop-in opportunity.

Page last updated: 6th Nov 2023 11:58am