Changes to required Covid-19 testing
The Trust has changed its protocols around self-testing and service user testing - you need to know this.
The Trust has reviewed current staff and service user testing requirements in line with UKHSA guidance.
For Staff
- There is no longer a requirement for Staff to carry out LFD testing when symptomatic.
- The trust will not provide staff with LFD test kits to test for Covid-19 infection when presenting with respiratory symptoms.
- When you have symptoms, visit the government website for more information from the UKHSA and report to your line manager. Managing healthcare staff with symptoms of a respiratory infection or a positive COVID-19 test result – GOV.UK (
- If you choose to complete a LFD test and this returns a positive result, stay off work until at least 5 days after your day of test and return to work only if you are well.
- There is no longer a requirement for a negative LFD test result to return to work after testing positive.
- Your line manager should undertake a risk assessment before patient-facing health care staff return to work in line with normal return to work policy.
- For Staff who have any concerns and have had a positive test result for Covid-19, you can contact infection control team for guidance.
When should I test service users?
- When service users are presenting with symptoms
- When being discharged to a care setting who require a negative test result (this can be a lateral flow test).
- When a negative lateral flow test result is required prior to a procedure.
- When confirmation of a positive test is required to access treatment.
Service users will no longer be tested in the absence of symptoms unless advised by the Infection Control Team.
Thank you for your continued support and diligence in keeping service users and others around you safe.
Should you have any queries, please contact the Infection Prevention and Control Team.
Tel: 0113 855 5957 working hours Mon-Fri 8am till 4pm, 4pm to 5pm via Switchboard.
Page last updated: 24th Nov 2023 2:31pm