Miranda Arieh
Constituency: Public: Leeds
elected to the: Council of Governors
I am a passionate mental health activist, public speaker, BBC Radio Presenter, and founder of The HEROES Groupwork Programme. HEROES stands for Healing, Education and Recovery Of Emotional Strength and is a 20 hour mental health groupwork programme now expanding through the NHS. I have extensive experience, not only of working for over 2 decades within the mental health field, but also from living with severe and enduring mental health struggles due to trauma myself, which led to long term hospitalisation in the past. All the tools I have placed within HEROES are tools which have helped me within my recovery journey, and I believe this is why our outcomes are so steep!
My aim as a governor is to make sure that the mental health system reaches the people who need it the most. It is essential that we are reaching the most vulnerable people in society who live in deprivation, who cannot afford to go private for care. I believe we require systemic change to look at new ways of working with people rather than the old services which lead to ‘revolving door’ patients, of which I used to be one. Not only do we need to improve reach, but we need to overall improve services and what they entail. Holistic treatments need to overtake the out-dated medical model, in my opinion. I believe systemic change will happen when we have services which offer education on trauma, holistic approaches to recovery, and we arm patients with the knowledge which will change their lives, and perceptions. There is another powerful way of looking at the world following trauma, and it is this that needs teaching to support empowerment of the people who may feel ‘broken’, when in truth they may have just forgotten the truth of who they are: limitless, powerful and whole already.
Get in touch
Email: governor.lypft@nhs.net