Our plan on a page for 2022/23

Perinatal Services

Select each subheading below to highlight the different sections of our plan on a page. This will outline how our Perinatal Service is planning to deliver care over the next 12-18 months.

1. Where are we now?
  • Our perinatal mental health service is based at Parkside Lodge, its temporary home during the pandemic
  • We have expanded our perinatal servicesA location tag in line with the NHS 5-year plan for mental health increasing the provision of care and treatment in people’s own homes, outpatient clinics and inpatient care
  • We offer virtual appointments across many of our teams
2. Where do we want to be in 12-18 months' time?
  • Our perinatal mental health services will return to The Mount HospitalA white calendar
  • We will improve access for women and their partners to our community perinatal mental health team
  • Provide an outreach service within two women’s prisons in West Yorkshire to address the mental health inequalities for women who have babies in prison
3. How are we going to get there?
  • New Investment to the community perinatal service in 2022/23white lightbulb on a green background
  • Increasing community engagement events with our perinatal access and inclusion team
  • Offer partner assessments by the perinatal community service
  • Expand on the use of Virtual Clinics to include remote group therapy
  • We are offering a rolling programme of city wide multi agency perinatal mental health awareness training and contributing to the learning of medical students, student nurses, midwives, and AHP’s
4. Improving service user and carer experience.
  • We will involve service users and carers in our planning for the future of our servicesA white smiley face on a green background
  • Enhance the partner and sibling groups within the perinatal service
  • We will continue to use friends and family feedback to develop our services and improve service user experience
  • Support and educate the Leeds city wide workforce to improve early detection of women who may be experiencing mental health problems in the perinatal period
  • We have a new sensory playroom and therapy kitchen built and ready for use when we move back to the Mount Hospital
  • We are increasing visiting to patient bedrooms and re-introducing mixed groups for outpatients and inpatients
5. How we will improve staff experience
  • Provide High quality Induction to our services for new staff
  • Thumbs up on a pink backgroundContinue to support our staff after serious incidents to help them recover and to learn lessons
  • Provide educational and development opportunities to our staff
6. How we will reduce health inequalities and improve equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Expand on the learning and the work of our perinatal access and inclusion team to better address the health needs of ethnic minority and diverse populations across Leeds
  • We aim to recruit a peer support workerGroup of people in the palm of a hand on an orange background to work alongside our Inclusion Coordinator
  • Working with our diverse communities to reduce stigma related to mental health
  • The Mother and Baby Unit is working on improving the inpatient experience for women from diverse backgrounds by gathering information on their experience and planning to address the identified areas for improvement