Our plan on a page for 2022/23

Adult Acute Services

Select each subheading below to highlight the different sections of our plan on a page. This will outline how our Adult Acute Service is planning to deliver care over the next 12-18 months.

1. Where are we now?

• Providing face to face crisis care, home based and inpatient care as we have done throughout the pandemicA location tag
• Providing care at Leeds OASIS – a residential short-stay service for people in crisis
• Working with our teams to improve consistency of care (reducing clinical variation) and reducing out of area placements
• Recruiting registered nurses is our main challenge

2. Where do we want to be in 12-18 months' time?

• All service users in crisis receive a compassionate and timely assessmentA white calendar
• We’ll be better at managing our capacity
• All Leeds based service users are cared for in Leeds, and not out of area
• We’ll be better at discharging people earlier to be supported in the community
• Delivering consistent high quality, compassionate care across all our services

3. How we are going to get there

• We’ll review our Crisis Assessment Unit and our partnership with OASISwhite lightbulb on a green background
• Increase face-to-face assessments for both Crisis and Street Triage services
• Complete our Acute Care Excellence programme
• Improve our use of technology for the benefit of staff and service users
• We will work with our health, social care and third sector partners across Leeds in the provision of high-quality services
• We will train and recruit the next generation of high-quality mental health staff
• We will retain and nurture our existing staff

4. How we will improve service user and carer experience

• We will involve service users and carers in our future planningA white smiley face on a green background
• We will embed the principles of the Triangle of Care programme
• We will build links with the Trust’s Patient Experience Team
• We will improve the use of feedback to drive improvements in quality

5. How we will improve staff experience

• We will create a staff wellbeing group and a dedicated space for staff wellbeingThumbs up on a pink background
• We will engage with the Critical Incident Staff Support Pathway (CrISSP) following serious incidents
• We will develop our network of ‘wellbeing buddies’
• Prioritise recruitment of new staff, embrace new roles, and provide a high-quality induction across all services
• Involve staff in future planning

6. How we will reduce health inequalities and improving equality, diversity and inclusion

• Increase our understanding of the equalities that exist and how we can tackle them with our partnersGroup of people in the palm of a hand on an orange background
• Our inclusion worker will lead on improving access and experience for ethnic minority service users detained under the Mental Health Act
• We will provide physical health support for service users, and promote other opportunities outside the Trust